With a little inspiration, choosing pet names can be a lot of fun. If you are the proud owner of a dog, cat, bird, iguana, hamster, horse or any other lovable pet, you probably want to make sure that you find a name that suits your pet well. Some pet owners think a name must be specific to their type of animal, but pet names can be used for any type of pet no matter the species.
Along the same lines, gender rules don’t apply to pets. You can have fun naming your pet whatever you want, without worrying about whether it is a masculine or feminine name. The pet won’t mind. Check out this following list of 1,000 pet names to help you name your new furbaby.
1,000 Names for Any Type of Pet
Acorn | Diary | Lincoln | Ritz |
Aja | Dibbs | Linus | River |
Akira | Diesel | Lipton | Robin Hood |
Alice | Dillinger | Loco | Rocco |
Almond | Dinky | Lofty | Rocket |
Alta | Dino | Logan | Rocky |
Alvin | Diva | Lola | Roheryn |
Amaretto | Doc | Lollipop | Rolo |
Amaris | Dodo | Lollygagger | Romeo |
American Pharoah | Dolores | Lord Murphy | Roo |
Amethyst | Domino | Lostma Cowboy | Roomba |
Amp | Donkey | Lottie | Rooney |
Amy | Donna | Luca | Root Beer |
Angel | Donovan | Lucky | Rosamund |
Angus | Donut | Lucky Number Slevin | Rosette |
Anheuser | Doodle | Lucy | Roxie |
Anise | Dos Equis | Luke | Royston |
Antenna | Dover | LumberJack | Rufus |
Apache | Dozer | Lunch Box | Rug |
Apollo | Draco | Mabel | Running River |
Arrow | Drax | Mac | Rushmore |
Artax | Dredd | Macaroni | Rusky |
Arugula | Droop | Madonna | Russ |
Asia | Dulus | Magnolia | Rusty |
Assault | Dumpling | Magpie | Rusty Nail |
Aster | Durango | Malble | Rusty Saddle |
Athena | Dutch | Malibu | Ryder |
Audi | Ebony | Mallory | Saber |
Audrey | Ed | Mango | Sable |
Augustus | Eddie | Maple | Sacagawea |
Aurous | Eggroll | Marble | Sadie |
Axel | Eleanor | Marcel | Sage |
Aya | Ellie | Margarita | Sal |
Badge | Elmo | Margo | Sally |
Bagel | Elton | Marigold | Salty |
Bailey | Elwood | Maripol | Sam Adams |
Balou | Enchilada | Marmalade | Samus |
Banana | Eric | Marshmellow | Sapphire |
Bandito | Ernie | Marti | Sasha |
Banjo | Espresso | Marzipan | Sassy |
Bantam | Eva | Max | Sausage |
Barbaro | Exterminator | Maximus | Savanna |
Barcardi | Fabs | Maya | Scale Caesar |
Barclay | Faith | Mayo | Scarlet |
Barley | Falafel | Meadow | Schnaps |
Barney | Fang | Meatball | Scoot |
Bartholomew | Faya | Meatloaf | Scooter |
Bash | Felix | Mercedes | Scotty |
Basil | Fenway | Mercury | Scout |
Bath Tub | Fergie | Merlin | Scrapple |
Beanie | Fern | Merlot | Seattle Slew |
Beans | Fernando | Merry | Secretariat |
Beck | Fig | Mia | Sepia |
Beebee | Fiona | Microwave | Sequoia |
Bella | Fish Stick | Midge | Shadow |
Bellatrix | Fjord | Midnight | Shaggy |
Bertha | Flame | Midori | Shane |
Bertie | Flapjack | Midsummer | Shaq |
Betty | Flea | Mika | Sharpie |
Bia | Flicka | Milan | Sheba |
Bianca | Flit | Mint Julep | Sheena |
Biden | Foalovit | Mira | Shell |
Big Brown | Foxtrot | Mischa | Sheriff |
Big Mama | Foxy | Mister Ed | Shiva |
Bike | Frankenstein | Mittens | Shoelace |
Biloxi | Franklin | Mitzi | Shoes |
Bing Bong | Freckles | Moby | Shortcake |
Binky | French Fry | Mochi | Shrub |
Birch | Frex | Mogo | Silas |
Birdie | Frito | Mojo | Silver |
Biscuit | Fritz | Molasses | Sir Barton |
Bixby | Fudge | Molly | Sir Topham Hatt |
Black and Tan | Fury | Monet | Sitting Bull |
Black Beauty | Fuse | Monkey | Skip |
Blacksmith | Gabriela | Monty | Skittle |
Blade | Gadget | Mookie | Skitty |
Blanca | Gelato | Moon | Skydancer |
Blazer | General Tso | Moonshine | Skyler |
Blimp | Geronimo | Moose | Slinky |
Blink | Giblet | Mooshie | Slippers |
Blizard | Gibson | Morgan | Smitty |
Bloody Mary | Giggles | Moscato | Snape |
Blue | Gigi | Mousse | Snooky |
Blueberry | Ginger | Mozart | Snoopy |
Bobbafett | Gingi | Mr Big | Snowcone |
Bodie | Glitter | Mug | Socks |
Boilermaker | Godfather | Muggles | Soho |
Bolo | Godiva | Mulder | Somerset |
Bolt | Gold Rush | Mulligan | Sookie |
Bolts | Gomer | Murphy | Sorbet |
Bonnie | Goofy | Mustang Sally | Sorrel |
Bono | Gouda | Mustard | Souix |
Booboo | Gracie | Mylo | Soy |
Booger | Gravy | Nacho | Spark |
Boots | Graysen | Nagini | Spartacus |
Bootsie | Grey Goose | Nails | Specs |
Bordeaux | Greystoke | Nalla | Spigs |
Boulevardier | Griffin | Nanda | Spike |
Boxcar | Grimsby | Napkin | Spirit |
Brandy | Grindstone | Nate | Sponge |
Brauts | Guava | Navajo | Spoons |
Bren | Guinness | Navi | Spork |
Brighton | Gunpowder | Nell | Spot |
Bristles | Gypsy | Nelly | Sprinkles |
Britches | Hades | Neo | Sprite |
Bronco | Hairspray | Nessie | Squanto |
Brooklyn | Haku | Neutron | Squash |
Broom | Hall & Oats | Nevada | Squirt |
Bruin | Ham Hock | Niamh | Sriracha |
Brussels Sprout | Hamburger | Niana | Stable Boy |
Bubbles | Hans | Nickle | Stag |
Buchanan | Harper | Nico | Star Dancer |
Buck | Hash Brown | Nightmare | Starling |
Buckeye | Hayley | Noodle | Steamboat |
Buckles | Heisenberg | Noodles | Steeltoe |
Bucktooth | Noop or Noopers | Stitch | |
Buffy | Henna | Notebook | Stoli |
Bug | Hershey | Notes | Stone Street |
Bugsy | Hiccup | Nova | Stout |
Bulldozer | Hidalgo | Nugget | Strawberry |
Bullet | High Top | Nutella | Striker |
Bullseye | Highball | Nutmeg | String Bean |
Bumper | Hobbs | Odyssey | Strsky |
Bunny | Holly | Of the Wind | Suede |
Burbank | Hollyhock | Officer | Sugar |
Burt | Honey | Okra | Summer |
Busy | Hoofer | Old Fashioned | Sumo |
Butler | Horsepower | Oli | Sunny |
Butters | Horseshoe | Olive | Sushi |
Butterscotch | Hoss | Oliver | Sutton |
Button | Hot Toddy | Olly | Sweet Potato |
Buzz | Hotdog | Omaha | Sweetpea |
Cabernet | Huck Finn | Onyx | Swiffer |
Calendar | Huckleberry | Opie | Sylph |
Calvin | Hudson | Oreo | Syrah |
Calzone | Hugo | Oswald | Syrup |
Candy | Hummus | Otis | Taco |
Cannoli | Hutch | Overbite | Tadpole |
Canonero II | Huxley | Owen | Taffy |
Captain | Hydra | Ozzie | Taka |
Carla | Iggy | Ozzy | Talfryn |
Carlos | Igor | Paco | Tallulah |
Carolina | Ike | Paddington | Tango |
Carrots | Indira | Page | Tank |
Carter | Indus | Paget | Tanner |
Cash | Iris | Paisley | Taron |
Cashew | Irish Car Bomb | Pale Ale | Tater Tot |
Catia | Irish Red | Pancake | Tawny |
Cece | Ironclad | Papaya | Taz |
Cecelia | Iroquois | Paris | Temperance |
Cessa | Irving | Parker | Tennessee |
Chablis | Isabela | Parsnip | Tequila Sunrise |
Chai | Ivory | Pascal | Texas |
Chalky | Izzy | Pasta | Thanos |
Champian | Jack | Paulie | Theo |
Chandler | Jade | Paully | Thermos |
Charlie | Jagger | Pavi | Thimble |
Chaucer | Jake | Pazzo | Tia |
Cheeku | Jalopy | PC | Tibbs |
Cherish | Jam | Peach | Tiberius |
Cherokee | Jamie | Peaches | Tiki |
Cherri | Jasmine | Peanut | Tim |
Cheryl | Jasper | Peaque | Timber |
Chesnut | Jay | Pearl | Tink |
Chevy | Jazzy | Pebble | Tiramisu |
Cheyenne | Jeans | Pecos | Tissue |
Chicken | Jeeves | Pedro | Toast |
Chickpea | Jello | Peewee | Toaster |
Chief | Jellybean | Pegasus | Toffee |
Chili | Jenna | Pelipa | Tofu |
China | Jennifer | Peperoni | Tomato |
Chinook | Jeremy | Pepper | Tonka |
Chirpy | Jericho | Pepsi | Tonks |
Chiru | Jet | Persia | Tonto |
Chloe | Jet Pilot | Pesci | Tootie |
Choochoo | Jewel | Pesto | Transmission |
Chopper | Jezzy | Pete | Trigger |
Chua | Jingles | Phoenix | Truffle |
Chubs | Jockey | Picasso | Tuba |
Chuck | Joe Cotton | Pickle | Tugboat |
Cibola | Joy | Pico | Tulip |
Cinder | Judge Himes | Pie-O-My | Turnip |
Cirrus | Juice | Pierogi | Turtle |
Cisco | Juliet | Pinot | Tweetle |
Citation | Julios | Pip | Twenty Grand |
Claire | Jupiter | Piper | Twig |
Clapper | Kai | Pipsie | Twiggy |
Clara | Kale | Pistachio | Twinkie |
Claws | Kalua | Pita | Twitch |
Clementine | Kaly | Pixie | Ty |
Cleo | Kane | Pizza | Tycho |
Cleopatra | Kassie | Plum | Umber |
Clodhopper | Kay | Pocahontas | Unbridled |
Clooney | Kaya | Pockets | Uno |
Clover | Keanna | Pogo | Utah |
Clue | Kees | Poker | Vegas |
Clyde | Keesha | Pokey | Velvet |
Clydesdale | Keiko | Polaris | Vertigo |
Coats | Keke | Polk | Vivi |
Cochise | Kelby | Polo | Vortimer |
Coco(nut) | Kennedy | Popcorn | Waffle House |
Cocoa | Kentucky | Poppy | Wallet |
Coconut | Kevin | Porb | War Admiral |
Codex | Khan | Porche | War Emblem |
Coffee | Kiefer | Porkchop | Washington |
Colonel | Kindle | Potato | Wednesday |
Colorado | King | Pots | Weensy |
Colt | Kingston | Powder | Whirlaway |
Comanche | Kisses | President | Whiskey |
Connecticut | Kiwi | Prickles | Whisky Sour |
Connie | Klip Klop | Prunella | White Hawk |
Connor | Kobe | Puck | Wilbur |
Corky or Corks | Koby | Pudding | Wildfire |
Corn | Kodiak | Pudge | Willow |
Cornflakes | Kolpin | Pugsly | Winnie |
Corona | Komet | Pumpkin | Wintergreen |
Cosmo | Kona | Quarter | Wisteria |
Cowboy | Koolaid | Quarterback | Wolfie |
Crackers | Kree | Quattro | Wonton |
Cramps | Krypto | Queso | Wrangler |
Crayon | Kumquat | Quigley | Wren |
Crazy Horse | Kunlun | Quinoa | Wriggles |
Credenza | Kutcher | Radar | Wrinx |
Crepé | Laces | Radio Flyer | Wylie |
Croissant | Ladybird | Radley | Xabat |
Crosby | Lager | Ragdoll | Yack |
Crouching Tiger | Laguna | Rainbow Unicorn | Yahzee |
Crown Royal | Lakota | Raisin | Yam |
Crumbs | Lamont | Rama | Yeats |
Crumpet | Lamp | Ramen | Yogurt |
Cry | Landon | Ramona | Yoshi |
Crystal | Larissa | Ranch | Yoshiko |
Cucumber | < td>LasgnaRandal | Yuengling | |
Cupcake | Latka | Randle | Yuri |
Cups | Leafie | Rango | Zach |
Curby | Lefty | Ratatouille | Zander |
Czar | Legos | Rayne | Zara |
Daisy | Leia | Razor | Zee |
Dakota | Lemon | Red Cloud | Zeek |
Dallas | Leo | Redford | Zeke |
Dandelion | Leopold | Ree | Zelda |
Daphne | Leviathan | Reece | Zena |
Decker | Lexi | Reginald | Zeppelin |
Delilah | Li’l Sebastian | Revis | Ziggy |
Delilo | Libia | Rex | Zilla |
Delta | Lieut. Gibson | Rico | Zinc |
Denali | Lil’bit | Ridgeline | Zippers |
Deon | Lilac | Ridgewell | Ziti |
Deputy | Lilypie | Riesling | ZsaZsa |
Dexter | Lime | Ringo | Zuul |